Why We Exist | JB Lures

Why We Exist
Every business has a reason or in most cases, multiple reasons that they exist. JB Lures and Mission Tackle is no different. Some of the reasons are quite obvious, while others are more subtle. One obvious reason that we exist is to make a profit. We are a for profit business, and in an age where profit may be a “dirty” word to some, it isn’t for us. We want our company to produce a profit to support our families, our employees, and also to support owners and employees of our suppliers. We expect our vendors to make a profit as well off of the goods and services that they provide. One of the benefits of a free market society is that we get to choose the goods and services that we desire. If the combination of quality/service/price doesn’t suit our wants and needs, we are free to shop elsewhere. Ultimately, every company has a boss, and that boss is you the customer. At JB Lures and Mission Tackle, we understand that and want to focus on bringing you the customer that combination of quality/service/price that will lead you to purchase our products. It seems that at one time, businesses in the United States were the envy of the world for their customer service. It also seems that customer service is going the way of the typerwriter, payphone, and other things that our kids don’t even know what they are. But unlike the typewriter and payphone; great customer service will never go out of style in a country that supports capitalism and free trade. When the customer is the boss, you get to decide what you are willing to pay for, and I believe that one of the ways to separate yourself from other competitors is to offer better customer service.
We are a small company, so in some respects we are able to do that. We strive to ship consumer orders same day, and if you call us during our business hours, we answer the telephone personally. We also try to respond to all e-mail inquiries in a timely fashion. Do we sometimes get tied up on the phone longer than we would like when a customer is looking for some “whiz-bang” lure we aren’t sure what it even is, or was discontinued 20 years ago? Probably. Do we drop the ball ourselves sometimes, and ship the wrong item, or forget to reply to an e-mail? Yes, we do. But we do strive to communicate with our customers and retail partners effectively. Sometimes, this may mean that it isn’t in our immediate best interests, like recommending a competing brand if we are out of stock, or shipping an item at no charge when we shipped the customer something they didn’t order or didn’t want. But I have always believed that if you create a win/win atmosphere where the customer is taken care of, your business will benefit in the long run. And truthfully, it is one of the ways that small tackle companies such as ours will not only survive, but thrive. In an age where many tackle companies are owned by corporate conglomerates, and companies are buying out other brands and merging with other companies, it is the way to separate oneself. It is my sincere hope that we never outgrow our own britches, and that we are able to have a company that is personalized. Because quite honestly, without you our customer, we would cease to exist. And that is something we never want to forget.
I have been a JB lures product user for decades. Often I would stop at the factory store to purchase product. It was always an enjoyable experience. When Mission tackle bought JB lures and the shop in Winthrop was closed I was alarmed. But to my surprise, I have received, and continue to receive great service and communication from Dan.
I purchase, and we use the #950 spinners by the dozen. Trolling with these spinners to help find the walleyes, then once located, using JB lures walleye jigs has never failed to keep the Frying pan busy.
Thanks for continuing to make great tackle available.
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